Access 2 Justice Intern Testimonials
Additional Testimonials
Katelyn E.
A2J Intern, 2022
Alameda County Superior Court
University of Southern California
"My favorite part about being an intern was interacting directly with litigants. We were still in the process of transitioning back to in-person services after covid-19, but even interacting with people over the phone or over zoom was very rewarding because you’re able to hear and see how your work is helping them finish their litigation process. Navigating the courts is tricky for everyone, and I was glad to be someone who could listen and answer questions so people didn’t feel as overwhelmed.
I learned a lot about thinking on the spot because you have to be able to pinpoint key information out of everything the litigant is telling you and figure out the root of their question and what they need to know. I was definitely able to improve my communication skills through this, as well as expand my knowledge about family law and the court system in general.
The people I worked with were amazing. The Alameda County Court staff were so welcoming to me and the other interns, and they made sure I had the opportunity to learn and grow from this experience.
I do think I played a meaningful role in enhancing equal access to justice. Since all the people you are working with are unrepresented, I do believe this program is important for bridging the gap between the legal system and the people who actually have to use it. Being able to translate dense legal requirements/paperwork and communicate it to people in ways that are easy to understand is necessary for an accessible litigation process."